EVERY WHICH WAY BUT LOOSE Clint Eastwood, Sandra Locke, Geoffery Lewis, Ruth Gordon. Dir. James Fargo, Warners, 1978 Clint Eastwood's slapstick-happy broad comedy smash from '78 can be understood one of two ways. In one, Clint's Philoe Beddoe, a working class bare knuckle brawler, serves as an almost Quixotic hero, or even a grail-quest knight, attracting followers & foes as he pursues his great loves, C&W hopeful Lynn Halsey Taylor, & defeating Tank Murdoch, the only brawler better than Philoe. If our grail knight ends up bereft of romantic love & his victory in combat, he knows in the end sometimes we take a beating to win our place in the world. The other way makes people who see comedic genius in Vicky Lawrence shriek & whoop with laughter, most of it centered on Ruth Gordon, an inept motorcycle gang, & an orangutan called Clyde. This way is a low, vulgar comedy leavened mainly by Eastwood's stock company, including the late William O...
The sporadic utterances of Russ Wait, an unhinged mind who, lucky for us all, is only interested in movies. All content here is mine.